I am sad to report that Google Notebook
has been replaced by Google Notes *lame*. However, it is sure beating the mess out of this Bing business. I haven't seen anything to ring a bell about yet...I guess I am selfish because I enjoyed all of the Google apps/tools that couldn't be shared. I didn't really have a need for Google Calendar because my myspace account has one and I'm connect to all of my people though it, and Picasa didn't really "do it" for me because I already have the Picasa2 app.. This is why iGoogle and Google Alerts hit the spot for me. iGoogle was fin because you could add a scrabble board (my favorite), time lines, and all kinds of possibly useful gadgets. I enjoyed the Google Alerts because it was a nice way of waving goodbye to junk and saying hello to the things you really want in life. This is my first time using it but currently I have Barack Obama, Regina Spektor, and my zodiac sign on list of things to track. Google Alerts could be very useful in the classroom not only for keeping the keeps up to date with things important to the class, but also with things the students are interested in as well.

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